Hermit Hut, Six Organs

Nice review for For Octavio Paz

  Aquarium Drunkard has written a very nice review of the reissue of For Octavio Paz, calling it “One of the great 21st century guitar records.” – Thank you Tyler over at AQ for the very kind review.   Read it Here   Pre-Orders are still happening over at the Hermit Hut Bandcamp page for […]


3 Free Bonus Tracks from Paz “session”

  Maybe more like Paz “times” since all the songs were recorded in my bedroom at the time. Anyway, I just put up 3 free tracks to download/stream from bandcamp that were all recorded in the same time that i did the music for For Octavio Paz. I had originally thought perhaps I’d do some

Hermit Hut, Six Organs

Six Organs On Bandcamp

  Yes I know that Drag City records have been on Bandcamp, but not the other records. So… Hermit Hut Bandcamp is finally happening. This will be the place for Six Organs releases that I am in direct control of, including records that were later reissued by Holy Mountain after my Pavilion label released them,

Six Organs

Into 2019

Happy New Year.   A couple things have been keeping 6Ø from completing the next record. One is that I had a major hard drive crash, effectively ruining the work I’ve done on it for the last 5 months. I know, I know. Well I have 2 external hard drives now. Won’t happen again. So…back

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