Author name: Ben

New Bums

New Bums and other activities

Hello all! No updates lately ’cause I’ve been on the move. Thank you to everyone who came out to the  New Bums shows in Feb and March in the USA. We put 9000 miles on our car. Extra big thanks to everyone who put us up for the night and fed us. There are countless […]

New Bums

New Bums Video and Tour

New Bums’ friend Willem Jones shot a video for our song The Killers And Me off of the new record coming out next month. We’ve almost finished confirming all of our shows in the US for March and April. I will be adding those to the tour dates shortly. We’re also booking a tour for

New Bums

New Bums New Record

Happy 2014. New Bums is alive and well and we hope you are too. We’re gearing up for some action in terms of releases and shows. There will be a full length on Drag City, coming out mid February. Donovan and I have been fooling around with this record for about 5 years now but

Six Organs

Awaken Tablature

A couple more pages from the TAB book. This song was an improvisation that was one of a series of songs that I recorded one afternoon in my kitchen. It ended up on the Dark Noontide record. My original idea was to record an afternoon of short, slow acoustic improvisations, ala Loren Connors or something. This

Interview, Rangda

Where In The World is Sir Richard Bishop?

One of the things I want to do with this new format is post short interviews with people I work with and/or appreciate. I figured the best person to start off with is Sir Richard Bishop as we have a bit of a history of interviewing each other. I asked him some questions back in

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